FBI Retired Signature Directories

FBI Intelligence Analyst

FBI Intelligence AnalystNow more than ever, the intelligence community must combine their efforts and talents to protect citizens against terrorists and other individuals who might want to do harm to the nation, including a hostile foreign power.  Accordingly, the FBI has evolved into a threat-based, intelligence-driven organization creating the FBI Intelligence Analyst position to identify risks to national security and personal safety in an effort to mitigate the risks.

Conducting a threat assessment, an FBI Intelligence Analyst must diligently piece together disparate bits of information in order to form integrated views on issues of national security and public safety by:

  • Utilizing language, cultural and historical knowledge to combat international threats by working within specifically defined geographical and/or functional areas, e.g. China and Iran Programs, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Program, and/or the Al-Qaida Terrorist Network;
  • Discover domestic threats by leveraging local and national intelligence databases, analyzing intelligence collected in FBI field offices and developing fact-based conclusions and intelligence reports;
  • Shaping intelligence policies by maintaining extensive networks and partnering with local, national, and international contacts within the intelligence and law enforcement community—preparing briefings and reports for senior policy makers, FBI executives and other members of the Intelligence and Law Enforcement community.

An FBI Intelligence Analyst has three [3] distinct career paths known as: 1.] Tactical Intelligence Analyst; 2.] Collection and Reporting Intelligence Analyst; and 3.] Strategic Intelligence Analyst. Although each career path is different, all are based on the intelligence cycle: planning, collection, exploitation and analysis, and dissemination and reporting.

Tactical Intelligence Analysts are embedded on an investigative squad, a field unit, or at FBI Headquarters in order to provide support, including:

  • Assessing and communicating real-time analytic judgments regarding specific threats and intelligence gaps;
  • Analyzing emerging threats to enhance domain knowledge and exploit collection opportunities; and
  • Bridging operational squads by identifying collection opportunities and gaps, and helping to assure timely and accurate reporting of intelligence.

Collection/Reporting Intelligence Analysts work to understand, assess and corroborate intelligence, including:

  • Enhancing FBI collection capabilities, disseminating raw intelligence against priority collection requirements and intelligence gaps;
  • Reporting raw intelligence in a timely manner through various forms of media, documents, and general information to determine patterns; and
  • Identifying human and technical source collection opportunities.

Strategic Intelligence Analysts consolidate comprehensive information into strategic analytic products that contextualize intelligence—enhancing each division’s understanding of threats, gaps, and vulnerabilities including:

  • Performing domain analysis to articulate the existence of a threat in the area of responsibility;
  • Performing enterprise-wide strategic analyses; and
  • Conducting studies to identify threats and trends.


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Agents with FBI Intelligence Analyst skillset