August 7, 2019

AMSTERDAM NL–The trap was set. The gendarmes were in position. Inside Amsterdam’s HOLLANDISHE BANKE plainclothes police posed as bank employees. Not wanting to tip their presence the police arrived early … seeded with the morning commute. Outside, the “uniforms” were also in position. Told to be close, but “not” visible … radio units said they were in place. Still … the on-scene commander was uneasy. Alerted about “suspicious” money transactions the night before … he complained the information was “sketchy.”[1]
Spying on arriving customers, investigators looked for AIME NASSIF, a Lebanese swindler, scheming with U.S. and European mobsters in an audacious plot to steal $3.5 million from the City of Los Angeles. Funds from a stolen warrant had already been wire transferred totaling $902,000. Initially deposited with CROCKER INTERNATIONAL BANK, New York City,[2] funds were credited to the BANQUE DE PARIS, Geneva, and then transferred to Amsterdam.[3] Before the transfer, the warrant was presented to the City’s treasurer’s office for payment and marked “paid.”[4]
Inside the Amsterdam bank funds were credited to account marked, “NASSIF – COPENHAGEN.” News accounts said the bank account had been dormant for five [5] years.[5]
INTERPOL, the famed police organization headquartered in Lyons, France said NASSIF [age-53] was an international money swindler.
With funds still on deposit totaling almost $93,000 police thought NASSIF would return to the bank to pocket the rest. During the 3-day period beginning December 2nd, bank officials told police he withdrew $810,000 in “cash” requesting Dutch, British, Danish and U.S. currencies.
Authorities were “alerted” to the scheme when the chief investigator for the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, PHILIP MANUEL,[6] said he was told mobsters wanted to cash three [3] stolen LA city warrants totaling $2.5 million. Sharing information with local authorities, he said BERNARD ROBERT HOWARD, a Yonkers, NY accountant, age-52, had approached an informant seeking to cash the checks. He wanted the proceeds laundered “offshore,” using banks in the Bahamas, Switzerland and Canada.[7]
Investigators said HOWARD was affiliated with several crime figures, citing mafia figure in the Tampa – St. Pete area and a Los Angeles City “insider” not further identified.[8]
MANUEL identified the informant as MICHAEL RAYMOND,[9] a twice convicted[10] bank cheat[11] with numerous arrests[12] and incarceration for stock fraud.[13]
Seeking reimbursement totaling $1.1 million the BANQUE DE PARIS claimed city officials acted improperly. Transferring funds only after bank officials presented the warrant to the City’s treasurer’s office, attorneys said officials acted inappropriately not alerting the banking community 18 warrants were “stolen or missing,” in March 1974. Asked why officials didn’t notify police, CHARLES NAVARRO, the Controller for the City of Los Angeles, said they thought the warrants had been “misplaced,” only realizing recently the warrants had been stolen.[14]
Caught “flatfooted.” Not told about the stolen warrants, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s [LACDA] Office targeted HOWARD in an effort to disrupt the plot. Asking RAYMOND to set up a ruse, on December 7, 1974, investigators arrested the accountant, along with MORTON BERNARD FREEMAN [age-48], an unemployed Palos Verdes, CA businessman, leaving the BEVERLY WILSHIRE HOTEL. The “duo” thought they were picking up their share of loot totaling $1.2 million, when arrested, unaware satchels contained only scraps of paper and several telephone books. RAYMOND said he told the men the money was laundered “offshore.”
Setting up the scheme, HOWARD proposed taking the “cash” in Montréal, but prosecutors “nixed” the idea. Criticized for not prosecuting anybody, LACDA wanted investigators to make an arrest in California. News accounts abound claimed city officials acted improperly. Investigators told RAYMOND to change the plan. Stating he was taking a huge risk transporting $1.2 million across the Canadian border, RAYMOND told HOWARD the exchange would take place in Beverly Hills at the BEVERLY WILSHIRE HOTEL.
But RAYMOND’s involvement was “not” without cost to the city.
Los Angeles Mayor TOM BRADLEY testified he authorized paying a reward totaling $45,000, but only after he learned RAYMOND wanted $125,000.[15] Told about the scheme during the Thanksgiving holidays, in 1974,[16] he said he put a $50,000 limit on any payment, mandating investigators negotiate the amount, suggesting $25,000.
Following his arrest HOWARD said the plot to steal millions originated with RICHARD KEATS, age-39, a Ft. Lee, New Jersey resident and former drug store owner in Beverly Hills and Palm Springs, California. He said KEATS gave him the warrants after he made arrangements with RAYMOND to cash them.
KEATS demanded the money be laundered offshore suggesting banks in the Bahamas and Europe.[17]
On January 10, 1975, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office charged KEATS, HOWARD and FREEMAN in a 10-count Grand Jury indictment, charged with orchestrating a $3.5 million fraud scheme alleging conspiracy, forgery and attempted grand theft.[18] A readymade plot for the silver screen, prosecutors admitted KEATS was stopped entering the country by customs officials, near Montreal, on December 6, 1974, carrying $150,000 in “cash,” stuffed in a suitcase, and $14,000 in jewelry. Not aware the warrants were stolen, custom agents allowed KEATS to enter the country, but only after they counted the money. Because he didn’t have an appraisal for the jewelry, border officials kept the gems for evaluation.
Investigators also said agents were “not” told about the ruse or about FREEMAN and HOWARD being arrested in Beverly Hills.[19]
Learning about the indictment, KEATS fled the United States.[20] Authorities said he was with NASSIF in Amsterdam, when NASSIF withdrew $810,000 in Dutch, British, Danish and U.S. currencies.[21]
Caught “red-handed,” facing 33-years in prison, the Government refused to give HOWARD a break in plea negotiations. At his preliminary hearing, RAYMOND testified it was HOWARD who approached him wanting to cash the stolen warrants valued at $2.5 million. But authorities remained “clueless” about the funds he transferred overseas to the Holland bank totaling $902,000. And despite the elaborate surveillance plan, NASSIF eluded cops in Amsterdam and KEATS was classified a “fugitive” from justice.
Claiming they were not responsible for the Swiss bank’s loss, LA city officials refused to pay the bank’s demand totaling $1.1 million.
Listening to opening remarks in his trial, in July 1975, HOWARD thought his best chance was to ask for the court’s mercy.
Surprising court observers, HOWARD changed his plea to “guilty,” and agreed he attempted to defraud the City of Los Angeles funds totaling $856,726. Prosecutors said the stolen warrant had been made payable to the MERCANTILE TRADING CORP OF CHICAGO.[22]
With a criminal record that included two felony convictions, and prosecutors demanding a maximum prison sentence, HOWARD realized his chances for leniency were nil.[23]
Likewise, FREEMAN, decided to “cooperate,” identifying JOYCE R. LEWIS, the owner of the Los Angeles MELODY MOTEL, as the individual who approached him wanting to cash the stolen warrants. LEWIS was on federal probation, convicted in another check scheme, charged with Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property (ITSP) in Chicago. Testifying at FREEMAN’s earlier preliminary hearing, LEWIS denied saying anything about the stolen city warrants.[24] But cops insisted they had the right suspects, stating she boasted to friends about scoring big in a check scheme.
Talking about the scheme, FREEMAN said LEWIS initially met privately with a man whom she later introduced to him as Mr. GREEN, saying he was a city employee.[25] After their meeting, FREEMAN said LEWIS asked him whether he knew anybody who could get rid of some checks. Because the question reminded him of an earlier conversation with RICHARD KEATS, in New York City, he called him. He said KEATS thought he could pass the checks, but wanted more information.[26]
Further recalling his conversation with KEATS, FREEMAN said he, LEWIS and GREEN talked about writing checks for amounts totaling $40,000 to $50,000 a piece. But learning the city frequently paid out larger amounts, they decided on writing checks for larger amounts. FREEMAN said GREEN indicated he was working with someone in the city’s data center, but didn’t identify them. Splitting the proceeds they agreed to a seventy/thirty split with KEATS keeping most of the money and LEWIS and GREEN keeping thirty-percent [30%].[27]
Asked to explain the mechanics behind writing each check, FREEMAN identified KEATS as the ringleader stating he directed that three warrants be made out in amounts totaling approximately $800,000 a piece, with the fourth, totaling $902,000 made payable to the CROCKER INTERNATIONAL BANK in New York City. He said he gave the information to GREEN who had the warrants issued and printed and then air-freighted to KEATS concealed in a jacket.[28]
FREEMAN thought all four [4] warrants were going to be cashed overseas and couldn’t explain why three [3] were cashed in Beverly Hills, and the fourth totaling $902,000 collected overseas. He said he didn’t know until much later, the data processing center didn’t issue the checks, but rather LEWIS and her associates stole blank warrants, and using a simple typewriter filled in the amounts and whom the checks were to be made payable.[29] Unaware plans had changed, he said he and LEWIS traveled separately to Montreal expecting to collect money. Using the name MICHAEL PHILLIPS, he said he stayed at the CHATEAUBRIAND HOLIDAY INN and thought LEWIS was accompanied by two other associates whose identities he didn’t know. Citing his arrest in Beverly Hills, he said neither he nor LEWIS collected any money.[30]
Reporting on the story, the Los Angeles Times said hotel records for the period December 2nd thru the 5th reflected an individual named MICHAEL PHILLIPS was registered as a guest at the CHATEAUBRIAND. And records at the AIRPORT HILTON indicated an individual named J. LEWIS was a guest, accompanied by two other individuals named AKINA MORALES and A. WOODLEY. Citing his arrest in Beverly Hills, he said neither he nor LEWIS collected any money.[31]
The Los Angeles Times said hotel records for the period December 2nd thru the 5th reflected an individual named MICHAEL PHILLIPS was registered as a guest at the CHATEAUBRIAND. And records at the AIRPORT HILTON indicated an individual named J. LEWIS was a guest, who was accompanied by two other individuals named AKINA MORALES and A. WOODLEY.
FREEMAN claimed he didn’t know anything about the fourth [4th] warrant being cashed, where funds were initially credited to the BANQUE DE PARIS in Geneva and then transferred to the HOLLANDISHE BANKE in Amsterdam. He also denied knowing anything about AIME NASSIF, the Lebanese swindler, who withdrew $810,000 in cash, requesting Dutch, British, Danish and U.S. currencies.[32]
Not in contact with LEWIS since his arrest, agreeing to cooperate, FREEMAN consented to telephoning LEWIS and recording the conversation. In an effort to get LEWIS to talk “openly,” he suggested she go to a public telephone. Once in contact, LEWIS spoke freely about the scheme saying she gave GREEN $15,000. When the scheme blew up, she said GREEN went to Texas where he hid for 4 ½ months. Still in contact, she said she spoke with GREEN only days ago, when he indicated he was returning to Texas. Asked why she gave GREEN the money, LEWIS said she had to pay his expenses going to Montreal.[33]
Looking at a police photo-lineup, FREEMAN identified GEORGE H. RICHARDSON as the person LEWIS introduced as Mr. GREEN and the person who gave him the stolen warrants. He said LEWIS indicated he worked in the city’s data processing department, but cops later disproved that notion. It was RICHARDSON who had the contact inside the data center and the person who stole the warrants.[34]
A fugitive for almost a year, using the name BENJAMIN MARCUS, immigration officials said KEATS was arrested attempting to enter the United States in Puerto Rico. Held in lieu of $500,000 bail, he was turned over to FBI in San Juan. Prosecutors said KEATS was the “mastermind” in the plot, saying he orchestrated the money transfers to the BANQUE DE PARIS and HOLLANDISHE BANKE totaling $902,000.[35]
PHILIP MANUEL, the Senate investigator whose informant “cracked” the case, said NASSIF belonged to a select group of sophisticated international swindlers whose numbers totaled about a thousand individuals. He said the group had the ability to launder money anywhere in the world and their operations were frequently funded by members of Organized Crime [OC]. Setting up the scheme, he estimated mobsters paid $100,000. Using several foreign bank accounts to wire transfer money, in particular the bank account set up by NASSIF in 1967, he thought the case was a Mafia page turner.[36]
Initially sentenced to 14-years in prison, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge LESLIE LIGHT reduced FREEMAN’s incarceration time to time served, agreeing he provided critical testimony that resulted in LEWIS’ prosecution and conviction.[37] News accounts said LEWIS was sentenced eight [8] to ninety-four [94] years in prison.[38]
Still wanting to identify the city “insider,” cops got a break when authorities said they arrested GEORGE H. RICHARDSON, age-42, in Mobile, Alabama. Police said an anonymous tipster told them he was “wanted” in California on a check fraud case giving cops his location. Refusing to cooperate, charged in a 10-count indictment, following a weeklong trial, he was convicted on charges including conspiracy, forgery, attempted grand theft and receiving stolen property.
But still … despite the prosecutions and even NASSIF’s arrest, authorities never got a full accounting of the money, nor did they identify the mobsters behind the money transfers totaling more than $902,000. But that changed, in 1977, when two FBI undercover agents were introduced to JEAN CLAUDE CORNAZ, an international financier and member of the financial underworld in Geneva, Switzerland. The agents, JIM WEDICK and JACK BRENNAN, were traveling with PHILLIP KITZER, another international swindler and crime figure whose escapades and criminal past were well known to the Justice Department.
Targeted by the FBI in a long term undercover operation code named, “OPFOPEN,” the Justice Department said KITZER fleeced millions, selling bogus securities, using a network of offshore banks. Known to Scotland Yard and other European law enforcement officials, prosecutors said KITZER operated at the “highest levels of international banking and swindling.”
Meeting CORNAZ in Frankfurt, Germany,[39] agents said during discussions with CORNAZ and KITZER both men acknowledged their roles in the scheme stating they helped KEATS cash the stolen warrant totaling $902,000 with each keeping $300,000. The duo “guffawed” about KEATS being prosecuted, getting a 20-year prison sentence, but authorities never recovered the money and neither KITZER nor CORNAZ were prosecuted for the crime.
Cackling KITZER said he walked into CORNAZ’s office when he was being questioned by the Swiss Federal Police about the crime. Sensing trouble, he asked police for directions to the train station and left. He said police thought he was a lost tourist. Both KITZER and CORNAZ laughed “wildly” about the scheme saying Swiss police never realized they knew each other.
Given the admissions made to the undercover agents, the FBI disseminated the “new” information to Swiss authorities and Examining Swiss Federal Magistrate M. JACQUES FOEX in Geneva reopened his inquiry. Recalling the case, FOEX told the agents it was he who ordered NASSIF’s initial arrest, adding the case also involved JEAN CLAUDE CORNAZ and his son, PASCAL. He said NASSIF implicated KEATS and several associates, but denied the involvement of the two CORNAZs. Lacking evidence he said the two CORNAZs were never prosecuted. For his part in the scheme, in lieu of bail, FOEX said NASSIF was placed on provisional liberty and his movements were restricted.
Reopening their case FOEX travelled to the United States to collect evidence and take testimony. But before charges could be filed, FOEX said JEAN CLAUDE CORNAZ suffered a massive heart attack leaving him paralyzed and in a diminished intellectual state. Swiss prosecutors decided against further proceedings. FOEX described CORNAZ as “a shadow of his former self.” He also said prosecutors were not interested in pursuing charges against PASCAL CORNAZ.
Traveling with KITZER in an undercover capacity, WEDICK said he and BRENNAN learned KITZER and CORNAZ were members of a select group of international swindlers similarly talked about by MANUEL whose numbers he said numbered about a thousand individuals and capable of stealing and moving money anywhere in the world. KITZER repeatedly referred to the group as “The Fraternity,” adding they were a select group of international swindlers.
KITZER initially came to the attention of the Justice Department, in 1965, when he and 16 others including the Illinois State Insurance Commissioner CYRUS MAGNUSSON were charged with defrauding $4.5 million from policy holders in a criminal case concerning AMERICAN ALLIED INSURANCE COMPANY in Minneapolis – St. Paul. KITZER owned the insurance company. Incredibly, following a 14-week trial that concluded in Bismarck, North Dakota, the Justice Department lost the case. Court observers said it was KITZER’s dramatic testimony that caused the government’s stunning defeat.
On the witness stand for six-days, KITZER repeatedly challenged prosecutors saying the case was “not” a business fraud, but rather “politics,” using regulators and the criminal justice system to eliminate supporters of Lieut. Governor “SANDY” KEITH, as well as advance the career of MILES W. LORD, the former U.S. Attorney, recently appointed a U.S. District Court Judge. Besides LORD, KITZER said Minnesota Governor KARL ROVAAG and Attorney General ROBERT MATTSON were also against him, labeling both individuals as co-conspirators, saying they wanted to maintain the status quo during the upcoming state convention concerning the Democratic Farmer Labor Party [DFLP].
But when the commotion ended, with each party taking their lumps, the political landscape in Minnesota changed. KEITH retired and GOV KARL ROVAAG lost his 1966 re-election bid. ROVAAG later accepted an appointment as Ambassador to Iceland, some say because democratic party leaders wanted him as far away from Minnesota politics as possible. [40]
Information about KITZER and his connection to Organized Crime [OC] and his journey with the two FBI undercover agents can be found in the upcoming book, “CHASING PHIL: The Adventures of Two Undercover Agents with the World’s Most Charming Con Man,” written by DAVID HOWARD and published by CROWN with release scheduled in October 2017.
Speaking with HOWARD, he writes in “CHASING PHIL,” readers become traveling companions, witnessing the efforts of the two undercover agents, as they try to convinced FBI executives that using sophisticated long term undercover operations are an effective method to investigate and prosecute Organized Crime [OC] figures.
Introduced to KITZER on a cold February night in Minnesota, readers are quickly whisked to warmer climes, where agents find themselves at famed locations like Fontainebleau Hotel, in Miami Beach; the old Governor’s Mansion, in the Bahamas; and later the Ala Moana Hotel, in Waikiki Beach, Hawaii meeting with mobsters and powerful politicians and crooked businessmen, all wanting to use KITZER’s network of offshore banks to launder money and issue bogus securities.
Traveling the globe with KITZER, readers quickly discover the special relationship KITZER develops with the undercover agents, playing the roles of protégés and co-conspirators, as he introduces them to mobsters in New York City, and as they try to marshal the FBI resources, in which White Collar Crime [WCC], Organized Crime [OC] and National Security are Bureau “priorities.”
Code named, “OPFOPEN,” Major Case #1; Office of Origin: Indianapolis,” agents agree the OPFOPEN case spawned a number of prominent investigations including the FBI’s ABSCAM case resulting in several members of Congress being prosecuted on bribery violations. And currently under development, WARNER BROS PICTURES has acknowledged they have secured rights to the book, “CHASING PHIL: The Adventures of Two Underagents with the World’s Most Charming Con Man,” wanting to produce a full length feature film with ROBERT DOWNEY JR. producing, possibly starring as PHIL KITZER.
© 2016 JAMES J WEDICK. All rights reserved.
With the FBI for almost 35-years whose experiences include being an FBI undercover agent and later responsible for the FBI’s corruption squad in Sacramento, California, Mr. WEDICK’s career includes initiating the FBI’s “OPFOPEN” investigation that targeted globe-trotting conmen and Organized Crime [OC] figures using “offshore” banks to launder money, issue bogus securities and conduct fraudulent transactions; undercover roles in the ABSCAM probe where members of Congress were prosecuted for soliciting bribes; and investigating and prosecuting the sons of New York mobster JOE BONANNO in operation code named, “SKINBURN,” for defrauding businesses in California and Utah several hundred thousand dollars.
In 1994, following a successful 3-year undercover probe in operation dubbed “SHRIMPSCAM” by the news media involving the California State Legislature, he received the FBI Director’s Award for prosecuting 5 California state lawmakers on RICO and corruption charges and his performance was cited in the U.S. Congressional record. Because the investigation involved a complicated “undercover” scenario using “bogus” legislation that required the specific approval of the FBI Director, he was nominated for the Attorney General’s Award and was featured in a LOS ANGELES TIMES SUNDAY MAGAZINE in an article captioned, “The G-Man, the Shrimp Scam and Sacramento’s Big Sting: FBI Agent JAMES WEDICK’s Undercover Operation Netted 14 Public Officials. But Has It Changed the Way the State Legislature Works?” by MARK GLADSTONE and PAUL JACOBS, dated December 11, 1994.
In 1996-97, amid allegations suggesting Fresno area officials were seeking “bribes,” in exchange for favorable zoning changes, in Bureau operation code named, “REZONE,” Mr. WEDICK prosecuted 17-defendants, including county officials, lobbyists and businessmen … all charged with violations of RICO and corruption statutes … again securing convictions.
And because auditors suggested Medicaid Fraud had become the crime of choice amongst White Collar Crime [WCC] thieves, during period 1998 thru 2001, he launched 3-Health Care Fraud Initiatives prosecuting 324-medical providers with defrauding funds totaling in excess of $228-million. The successful FBI Initiatives attracted the attention of broadcast and print journalists alike, including MIKE WALLACE on 60 MINUTES and the LA TIMES who did a nine-part series detailing the fraudulent abuse of California’s Medicaid Program.
In April 2004, Attorney General JOHN ASHCROFT congratulated Mr. WEDICK on his retirement from the FBI commenting his investigations into White Collar Crime, Organized Crime and Public Corruption were “models” for other agents to “emulate.”
See JAMES J WEDICK’s profile here:
You can follow JAMES J WEDICK on Twitter and LinkedIn.
[1] NY Times article captioned, “Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” dated December 25, 1974. And LA Times article captioned, “LA Check Fugitive’s Border Incident Told,” written by WILLIAM FARR, dated January 22, 1975 page 25.
[2] November 21, 1974.
[3] November 27, 1974.
[4] LA Times article captioned, “Swiss Bank Seeks $1.1 Million From LA,” written by WIILIAM FARR, dated March 13, 1975, pages 3 and 25.
[5] NY Times article captioned, “Funds From Los Angeles Check Forgery Taken Out of Dutch Bank, written by ROBERT A. WRIGHT, dated December 17, 1974 and article captioned, “Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” dated December 25, 1974.
[6] NY Times article captioned, “Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” supra.
[7] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Pleads Guilty,” continued from page 1 [On microfilm see page 149], supra.
[8] NY Times article captioned, “Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” dated December 25, 1974.
[9] Working with the Senate panel and Justice Department officials investigating corruption, RAYMOND testified, in July 1971, he paid New York Supreme Court Justice MITCHELL D. SCHWEITZER “bribes” totaling $50,000. Justice SCHWEITZER denied the charges, but retired in 1972 stating he wanted to avoid the “stress and strain” of a judicial inquiry. He also implicated two Boston judges involved in bribery schemes identifying them as Justices EDWARD J. DESAULNIER JR. who was ruled “unfit” to sit as a judge and be a member of the bar and Justice VINCENT R. BROGNA who was “censured.” See NY Times article captioned, ” Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” supra.
[10] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Pleads Guilty,” dated July 4, 1975, continued from page 1 [On microfilm see page 149].
[11] On January 17, 1959, RAYMOND was sentenced to 3-years prison for defrauding a Florida citrus owner funds totaling $16,000 and crossing state lines in violation of the federal statute known as Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property [ITSP], Title 18, United States Code [USC], Section 2314. See NY Times article captioned, ” Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” supra.
[12] In 1964, RAYMOND was indicted by the Federal Grand Jury [FGJ] for using fraudulent checks to purchase securities valued at $84,000 and, in 1966, was found in possession of stolen securities taken from a Wall Street messenger totaling $1 million.
[13] NY Times article captioned, “Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” supra.
[14] LA Times article captioned, “Swiss Bank Seeks $1.1 Million From LA,” written by WIILIAM FARR, dated March 13, 1975, pages 3 and 25.
[15] NY Times article captioned, “Informant Named in Coast Swindle,” supra, page 2.
[16] LA Times article captioned, “Bradley Testifies at Checks Trial,” written by WILLIAM FARR, dated November 26, 1975, page 23.
[17] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Pleads Guilty,” continued from page 1 [On microfilm see page 149], supra.
[18] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Pleads Guilty,” continued from page 1 [On microfilm see page 149], supra.
[19] LA Times article captioned, “LA Checks Fugitive’s Border Incident Told: Held on Dec 6th with a $150,000 in Suitcase, Released 4-Hours Later,” by WILLIAM FARR, dated January 22, 1975, page 3.
[20] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Pleads Guilty,” continued from page 1 [On microfilm see page 149], supra.
[21] LA Times article captioned, “Check Plot,” dated June 22, 1975, continued from page 1.
[22] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Pleads Guilty,” continued from page 1 [On microfilm see page 149], supra.
[23] LA Times article captioned, ”Swiss Bank Seeks $1.1 Million From LA,” written by WIILIAM FARR, dated March 13, 1975, pages 3 and 25.
[24] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Confesses,” dated August 22, 1975, continued from page 1, page 24.
[25] LA Times article captioned, “Key Suspect in LA Check Case Seized: Man Arrested in Alabama May be Able to Name City Hall Contact,” written by WIILIAM FARR, dated September 17, 1976 page 6.
[26] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Confesses,” supra, page 24.
[27] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Confesses,” supra, page 24.
[28] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Confesses,” supra, page 24.
[29] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Confesses,” supra, page 24.
[30] LA Times article captioned, “Check Scheme Payoff of $15,000 to Contact Inside LA City Hall Indicated,” written by WILLIAM FARR, dated August 25, 1975, page 24.
[31] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Confesses,” supra, page 24.
[32] LA Times article captioned, “Check Case Suspect Confesses,” supra, page 24.
[33] LA Times article captioned, “Check Scheme Payoff of $15,000 to Contact Inside LA City Hall Indicated,” supra, page 24.
[34] LA Times article captioned, “Key Suspect in LA Check Case Seized: Man Arrested in Alabama May be Able to Name City Hall Contact,” supra, page 6.
[35] LA Times article captioned, “Check Scheme Payoff of $15,000 to Contact Inside LA City Hall Indicated,” supra.
[36] Associated Press [AP] story captioned, “Thief Still Lurking in LA Government,” written by STEPHEN FOX, dated July 24, 1975, that appeared in the Independent, Long Beach, California, page A-22.
[37] February 1976.
[38] Independent and Press-Telegram article captioned, “Judge Frees Man, a Key Witness, in LA Check Case,” dated February 18, 1976, page 32.
[39] April 1977.
[40] THE MINNESOTA JFK CONNECTION: David Kroman and the American Allied Insurance Scandal by RON WILLIAMS.