April 23, 2023

EUSTIS FL-Writing recently in LinkedIn, member Dr RHONDA GLOVER REESE tells readers, addressing an audience, foremost among important considerations, a speaker needs to be “authentic.” “Be honest,” she says. Audiences know people are not “perfect.” “Make sure personal anecdotes are aligned with message,” she insists. And “Know your audience.”
Frequently sought to address professionals, Dr. REESE describes today’s audience as “trust-based” individuals seeking to be “inspired and empowered.” Besides information, they want to be stimulated. Enthused. In the past, it was all about being “polished, perfect … and in control,” she says. Today, speakers need to be “authentic.” Individuals willing to share moments reflecting conflict, disappointment, and failure.
Success stories are good, but to be “interesting,” they need to reflect life’s struggles, says one expert. “People are not saints.”
Audiences want to hear from someone who’s vulnerable and honest. Someone who’s been able to move past “fear or shame.”
“Talking about personal struggles or helping someone overcome a difficult situation builds trust,” REESE maintains. Likewise, any anecdote must be tied to the message. It can’t be something that just “shocks” a person to get attention, but a story that’s true and personal. A real-life struggle with a solution. A story with value.
Mindful … the ever conscious … media aware public will be skeptical; REESE cautions about being “truthful.” The struggle “real.” “Integrity,” is everything she insists. Speakers need to be “authentic.”
An interesting read!
To see Dr. RHONDA GLOVER REESE complete article see https://lnkd.in/gzjc5pVc
In Sept 2018, Dr. RHONDA GLOVER REESE retired from the FBI after 34 years in the Bureau. Her varied career included being the Assistant Special Agent in Charge [ASAC] of the New Haven Office, initially responsible for National Security, including Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, Cyber and Intelligence programs, and later the Criminal/Administrative ASAC with program management responsibilities for Violent Crime, White Collar Crime, Public Corruption, and Financial Management of the office, including Support Services and a Program Manager in the FBI’s Human Resources Division.
In September 2007, Dr. REESE was presented with the FBI Director’s Award for Equal Employment Opportunity to recognize her leadership, training, recruitment, and significant contributions to enhance employment opportunities for women and minorities within the FBI. The award is one of the highest forms of recognition an FBI employee can receive.
In May 2016, she was selected to represent the FBI at the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government participating in “Women and Power: Leadership in the New World,” an intense, interactive experience designed to transform women as they advance to top positions of influence in public leadership.
Dr. RHONDA GLOVER REESE is a co-author of the best-selling book, “Dear Fear Volume 2:18 Powerful Lessons on Living Your Best Life on the Other Side of Fear.” She is also an international speaker centered on active shooter, fear, and preparing for your 2.0 pre-retirement and post-retirement, and the Chief Executive Officer of the RHONDA M. GLOVER GROUP LLC, a coaching/mentoring firm focusing on developing law enforcement leaders and individuals interested in becoming law enforcement professionals.
Dr. RHONDA GLOVER REESE FBI profile can be found here: Rhonda M. Glover | FBI Retired | Eustis, Florida USA
With the FBI for almost 35-years whose experiences include being an FBI undercover agent and later responsible for the FBI’s corruption squad in Sacramento, California, Mr. WEDICK’s career includes initiating the FBI’s “OPFOPEN” investigation that targeted globe-trotting conmen and Organized Crime [OC] figures using “offshore” banks to launder money, issue bogus securities and conduct fraudulent transactions; undercover roles in the ABSCAM probe where members of Congress were prosecuted for soliciting bribes; and investigating and prosecuting the sons of New York mobster JOE BONANNO in operation code named, “SKINBURN,” for defrauding businesses in California and Utah several hundred thousand dollars.
In 1994, following a successful 3-year undercover probe in operation dubbed “SHRIMPSCAM” by the news media involving the California State Legislature, he received the FBI Director’s Award for prosecuting 5 California state lawmakers on RICO and corruption charges and his performance was cited in the U.S. Congressional record. Because the investigation involved a complicated “undercover” scenario using “bogus” legislation that required the specific approval of the FBI Director, he was nominated for the Attorney General’s Award and was featured in a LOS ANGELES TIMES SUNDAY MAGAZINE in an article captioned, “The G-Man, the Shrimp Scam and Sacramento’s Big Sting: FBI Agent JAMES WEDICK’s Undercover Operation Netted 14 Public Officials. But Has It Changed the Way the State Legislature Works?” by MARK GLADSTONE and PAUL JACOBS, dated December 11, 1994.
In 1996-97, amid allegations suggesting Fresno area officials were seeking “bribes,” in exchange for favorable zoning changes, in Bureau operation code named, “REZONE,” Mr. WEDICK prosecuted 17-defendants, including county officials, lobbyists and businessmen … all charged with violations of RICO and corruption statutes … again securing convictions.
And because auditors suggested Medicaid Fraud had become the crime of choice amongst White Collar Crime [WCC] thieves, during period 1998 thru 2001, he launched 3-Health Care Fraud Initiatives prosecuting 324-medical providers with defrauding funds totaling in excess of $228-million. The successful FBI Initiatives attracted the attention of broadcast and print journalists alike, including MIKE WALLACE on 60 MINUTES and the LA TIMES who did a nine-part series detailing the fraudulent abuse of California’s Medicaid Program.
In April 2004, Attorney General JOHN ASHCROFT congratulated Mr. WEDICK on his retirement from the FBI commenting his investigations into White Collar Crime, Organized Crime and Public Corruption were “models” for other agents to “emulate.”
See JAMES J WEDICK’s profile here: https://fbiretired.com/agent/wedick/
You can follow JAMES J WEDICK on Twitter and LinkedIn.